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Best unlimited non veg thali in and nearby Karad

Hi we friends do visit random hotels in karad to try out non veg thalis which are unlimited. i.e rassa, roti, bhakari and rice unlimited. I will be posting hotel names and rate for both chicken and mutton thalis.

We don’t post limited thalis as we want people to eat food without being worried about bill for extras. Unlimted thalis fulfill that purpose. And we are fortunate we have hotels that provides unlimted thalis.

We will be posting Hotel name, Chiken thali price, Mutton thali price and some extra information. This list will be best in terms of food quality and price.

  1. Hotel tulashi dhaba, Varunji, towards patan to karad side. Chicken thali – 230, Mutton thali – 270 – Includes unlimited rice, roti and rassa.
  2. Hotel Shiwar On My Way, Varunji, towards karad to patan side. Chicken thali – 190, Mutton thali – NA – Includes unlimited rice, roti and rassa.
  3. We will adding new hotels in this list. We had previous experiences with other hotels but want to update all of them we might sking hotel which are not good in food quality or quantiy and which dont provide unlimited thalis.

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Reflective tapes for bulls

reflective tapes for bull

Hi all, from today i will write blogs on this site about karad and related to karad.

Today me n my friend Ayush Kadam visited Krishna Sugar Factory premises for testing of our pilot project which is sticking reflective tapes on bulls horn for safety.

As we all know, these bulls are used for sugarcane transportation and they use to travel in night time early in the morning, when visibility is very very low. So in-order to add safety feature for them, we are sticking and will stick more reflective tapes or patches on their horns.

At this trial phase we got some experience, to-do and don’ts and positive response from owners. 🙂 And hope for the best.